Reiki Practitioner Certification - Level 1

 Level 1 is a practitioner’s initiation into Reiki and is open to anyone. The focus during Level 1 is on opening the energy channels on a physical level, allowing the practitioner to connect to the universal life force energy, which flows from the cosmos through the crown of the head and down to the heart and hands.

The goal of the Level 1 designation is to focus on practicing Reiki on oneself, thereby working through your own personal obstacles. 

Students are provided with the opportunity to study the course content at a relaxed pace that fits their lifestyle. Upon successful completion of the course students shall earn their Reiki I Certificate. Completing this course is the first step toward becoming a Reiki Practitioner

The Reiki 1 Journey

Introductory Session
21-Day Self-Treatment

Introductory Session

Our Introductory Session is designed to prepare you to receive your Reiki Level 1 Attunement.

✔︎ Preparation steps for the journey ahead.

✔︎ Learn about Usui Reiki:

  • What is Reiki?
  • How Reiki Works
  • The History of Reiki
  • The Reiki Principles
  • Introduction to the Chakras
  • The First Sacred Symbol

✔︎ How to prepare for your Reiki Level 1 Attunement

✔︎ How to prepare for your 21-Day Self-Treatment

Reiki 1 Attunement

An attunement is a sacred initiation into a metaphysical order. It further awakens and illuminates the heart and accelerates your divine plan and soul purpose. The result is more love, happiness, joy, and peace, which you then extend to others by radiating universal energy. By receiving an attunement, you will become part of a group of people who are using Reiki to heal themselves and each other and who are working together to heal the Earth! 

Preparation Steps for Your Reiki Level 1 Attunement

✔︎ Schedule Your Reiki Level 1 Attunement

✔︎ Prepare your Body

✔︎ Prepare your Mind

✔︎ Schedule Quality Time Before and After Your Reiki Level 1 Attunement

21-Day Reiki Self-Treatment

In the beginning, it is always best to follow a set procedure. The recommended steps offered for your 21-Day Self-Treatment are designed for you to get to know yourself in a new way – energetically!

✔︎ Week 1 Self-Treatment: Chakra Guided Meditations

✔︎ Week 2 Self-Treatment: Chara Seed Mantra Meditations & Mudras

✔︎ Week 3 Self-Treatment: Chara Meditations & Gentle Chakra Yoga Practices

You will supported every step of your 21-Day Reiki Self-Treatment by your Reiki Master/Teacher via our special app:

Next Reiki Level 1 Certification Training Begins

Studio van Hout | Dorpsstraat 42 A | 1121 BX Landsmeer

Meet your Reiki Master/Teacher

Pamela (Pami) Parker, Reiki Master/Teacher

Internationally known as a dynamic and compassionate Reiki Master/Teacher, Spiritual Companion, and Life Coach whose passion is to help and guide those she serves to reach their full potential. Her practice implements a holistic approach to conscious (mindful) living. 

Pami currently serves as the Conscious Center director, ensuring quality programs, products, and services are available to our community.

Pami Parker, Reiki Master/Teacher