Reiki Master/Teacher Certification Program
This course combines both the Reiki Level 3 (Teacher) and Reiki Level 4 (Master) training. Our training includes learning the master symbol, receiving attunements, and mastering the attunement process so that you can then pass on and teach the gift of Reiki to others.
By the end of this course, you will have the practical knowledge, skills, and experience to facilitate Reiki classes (at all levels), deliver attunements, and enhance your Reiki practice.
The Reiki Master/Teacher Journey
The Making of a Master/Teacher
Our Introductory Session is designed to prepare you to receive your Reiki Master/Teacher Attunement
✔︎ Being a True Master/Teacher
✔︎ The Reiki Master/Teacher Journey
✔︎ Working with Adult Learners
✔︎ Preparation for a Reiki Energy Circle
✔︎ Preparation for Reiki Level 1 Information Session
Reiki Level 1 - Master/Teacher Preparation & Support
✔︎ Prepare Reiki Level 1 participants for their Reiki Level 1 Attunement
✔︎ Preparation Steps to deliver Reiki Level 1 Attunement
✔︎ Mentor Reiki Level 1 participants through their 21-Day Self-Treatment
✔︎ Create and deliver the Reiki Level 1 Completion Ceremony
Reiki Level 2 - Master/Teacher Preparation & Support
✔︎ Prepare and deliver the Reiki Level 2 Introduction Session
✔︎ Prepare Reiki Level 1 participants for their Reiki Level 1 Attunement
✔︎ Preparation Steps to deliver Reiki Level 2 Attunement
✔︎ Prepare, demonstrate, and mentor the Distance Reiki Techniques
✔︎ Prepare, demonstrate, and mentor Hands-On Reiki Techniques
✔︎ Assess participant's Code of Ethics
✔︎ Co-Create with participants their Reiki Level 2 Completion Ceremony
Next Reiki Master/Teacher Certification Training Begins
Studio van Hout | Dorpsstraat 42 A | 1121 BX Landsmeer
Meet your Reiki Master/Teacher
Pamela (Pami) Parker, Reiki Master/Teacher
Internationally known as a dynamic and compassionate Reiki Master/Teacher, Spiritual Companion, and Life Coach whose passion is to help and guide those she serves to reach their full potential. Her practice implements a holistic approach to conscious (mindful) living.
Pami currently serves as the Conscious Center director, ensuring quality programs, products, and services are available to our community.